Nhảy tới nội dung


Lưu ý sau khi phiên bản KeystoneJS 5 chuyển sang chế độ duy trì để ra mắt phiên bản mới hơn. Chúng tôi đã dựa trên mã nguồn cũ này để phát triển một phiên bản khác với một số tính năng theo hướng microservices.

Stores one of several predefined string values. Presented as a dropdown in the Admin UI.


const { Select } = require("@ocop/fields");

ocop.createList("Orders", {
fields: {
status: { type: Select, options: "pending, processed" },


options(see below)nullDefines the values (and labels) that can be be selected from, see below
dataTypeStringenumControls the data type stored in the database, and defined in the GraphQL schema, see below
isRequiredBooleanfalseDoes this field require a value?
isUniqueBooleanfalseAdds a unique index that allows only unique values to be stored


The options config can be supplied as either:

  • A comma-separates list of values, eg: 'Pending, Processed, Errored'
  • An array of strings, eg: ['ready', 'sent', 'deleted']
  • An array of objects, each specifying an value and label, eg:
const options = [
{ value: "YES", label: "Yes, I'll be there!" },
{ value: "NO", label: "Sorry, I can't make it :(" },
{ value: "MAYBE", label: "Not sure yet" },

ocop.createList("Rsvp", {
fields: {
attending: { type: Select, options },
// ..


The Select field can store its value as any of the three following types:

  • enum (stored as a string in MongoDB)
  • string
  • integer

The dataType will also affect the type definition for the GraphQL Schema.

While enum is the default, and allows GraphQL to hint and validate input for the field, it also has a limited format for option values. If you want to store values starting with a number, or containing spaces, dashes and other special characters, consider using the string dataType.

The following example is not valid:

// invalid enum options
const options = [
{ value: "just one", label: "Just One" },
{ value: "<10", label: "Less than Ten" },
{ value: "100s", label: "Hundreds" },

ocop.createList("Things", {
fields: {
scale: { type: Select, options },

Specifying the string dataType will work:

ocop.createList("Things", {
fields: {
scale: { type: Select, options, dataType: "string" },

If you use the integer dataType, options must be provided as integers, so you can't use the shorthand syntax for defining options.

ocop.createList("Things", {
fields: {
number: { type: Select, options: "1, 2, 3", dataType: "integer" },

Use the full syntax instead, and provide the values as numbers:

const options = [
{ value: 1, label: "One" },
{ value: 2, label: "Two" },
{ value: 3, label: "Three" },

ocop.createList("Things", {
fields: {
number: { type: Select, options: options, dataType: "integer" },